01 C The car her husband gave her was so @huge~, she felt minute driving it. A) valuable B) inferior C) lusty D) expensive 02 B With only a couple of minutes left to @convey~ the message, the the secretary ran to the phone. A) sign B) impart C) control D) persist 03 D The chairman got up and left after @addressing~ himself to the board. A) hailing B) governing C) calling D) directing 04 A There was no @dignified~ way of doing the task, so we just got up and did it. A) ennobled B) easy C) increased D) rapid 05 B On his way home, George knew he had better stop and buy his daughter a @trinket~ for he always did on his travels A) camera B) knickknack C) shoelace D) computer 06 B In order to get the promotion you have always wanted, you'll have to @outstep~ yourself on this project. A) station B) surpass C) project D) crowd 07 B While in Boston, make sure to try one of my mother's @legendary~ pot pies. A) periodical B) mythical C) successful D) established 08 D If I ever see that old @hag~ again, I'll just throw up. A) car B) circus C) worm D) witch 09 C It was much more common to @barter~ in the old days than it is now. A) compete B) annoy C) swap D) believe 10 B The social workers @wistfully~ studied the statistics on child abuse. A) predictably B) pensively C) periodically D) positively 11 D The President's @view~ on the policy was not in accordance with his party's. A) jockstrap B) resolution C) picture D) opinion 12 A If you wash the shirt in cold water, you just might @save~ it. A) rescue B) dye C) sell D) convert 13 B Florence Henderson, our number one salesgirl, can sell any @gimmick~ we give her. A) weapon B) gizmo C) binder D) challenge 14 A Scientific experiments sometimes leave a lethal @residue.~ A) remainder B) status C) disk D) import 15 C Captain Williams told us to arrest Joan Taylor because she didn't have an @alibi.~ A) opportunity B) feather C) excuse D) moment 16 C Mark Isfeld, the general manager of T.E.E. Imports, felt no remorse; although his firing his secretary for no apparent reason was @despicable~ even for someone like himself. A) fanciful B) celibate C) vile D) creative 17 B They followed the escaped convict's @tracks~ for over 45 miles. A) report B) trail C) prediction D) graduation 18 A Dr. K.L. Shmit was amazed at Madam Zuluaga's @uncanny~ ability to tell the future. A) supernatural B) common C) realistic D) windy 19 B By 1900, the United States had @withdrawn~ all troops from that area. A) placed B) removed C) improved D) replaced 20 D Hellen Keller's @decidedness~ to help others like herself, brought her to lead several social groups A) reliability B) plead C) foundation D) resolution 21 D I don't mind a @jest~ as long as it's in good taste. A) trick B) gift C) cake D) joke 22 C The company gave him a gold watch as a @token~ of appreciation for his many years of outstanding service. A) picture B) fact C) gesture D) demand 23 C Once Tommy had finished his hamburger, he @chucked~ the wrapper into a bag. A) folded B) resold C) discarded D) Unified 24 A When World War I broke out in Europe in 1914, Americans @winced~ at the possibility of having to go to war. A) flinched B) jumped C) prepared D) collapsed 25 B Most puppies are @tubby~ until they're six months old. A) naughty B) pudgy C) emotional D) teething 26 B It wasn't until after the Indians taught the pilgrims to @withstand~ and prepare for the harsh winters in the new land, that there was a Thanksgiving celebration. A) repair B) resist C) cook D) rear 27 D When fishing, I always @snarl~ my line. A) change B) buy C) kindle D) tangle 28 B Although the expression "far-out" is a little @archaic~, I still use it a lot. A) modern B) old-fashioned C) polite D) redundant 29 C @Unruly~ conduct will never be permitted at this institution! A) infamous B) lazy C) disobedient D) generous 30 A The @spokesman~ for the company clearly stated that they were not interested in buying us out. A) speaker B) president C) chairman D) foreman 31 B You can't help but @chuckle~ at a name like Gilbert. A) cry B) giggle C) slip D) sneeze 32 C I don't blame her for feeling left out. She has such a @sundry~ family. A) happy B) sad C) numerous D) queasy 33 C Jenny had to cut her hair because her brother would always @yank~ it. A) grade B) braid C) jerk D) outcast 34 B "Let me give you a few @pointers~," said the foreman to the new operator. A) labels B) tips C) wrenches D) peaches 35 D As a result of the expansion of the @band~, it was necessary to buy a new set of drums. A) problem B) partnership C) store D) group 36 A It was more than just her @gloominess~ that made her call you, she wants your company. A) surliness B) able to be read C) knowledge D) frankness 37 A The child @chucked~ the candy wrapper once he finished eating the candy. A) discarded B) refilled C) put away D) tasted 38 B Your @gift~ was greatly appreciated. A) presence B) present C) mirror D) sister 39 B Scientists @once~ thought that human origins were in Asia, not in Africa. A) delightfully B) at one time C) singularly D) obscene 40 A Hay is usually stored in the left @portion~ of the barn in order to keep it dry. A) section B) quota C) unit D) extreme 41 C The spotted variety of dog called Dalmatian is @an alert~, clean, and useful breed. A) an unusual B) a sleepy C) a cunning D) a sickly 42 A The muscles in the auricles of many @creatures~ are highly developed and mobile. A) beings B) corpses C) chemicals D) tendons 43 A Tides are caused by the gravitational @influence~ of the moon on the ocean. A) impact B) levitation C) coercion D) involvement 44 B Tadpoles hatch from eggs in water and @look like~ small fish. A) become B) resemble C) turn into D) rhyme 45 C The @transfer~ of energy from one food chain to another occurs within a food web. A) transmitter B) reversal C) exchange D) anticipation 46 A Madame Tussaud's museum in London uses @figures~ made of wax to create tableaus. A) characters B) numbers C) tools D) fools 47 B The @earliest~ watches were actually small clocks hung from a strap around the neck. A) soonest B) first C) most timely D) prime 48 D Peter Tchaikovsky was supported in life by a @wealthy~ widow whom he never met. A) healthy B) unreachable C) ancient D) rich 49 B The human @urge~ to express feelings through rhythmic motion is expressed in dance. A) sensation B) desire C) repulse D) pleasure 50 B The Scottish kilt is a checkered skirt worn by men for both formal and informal @occasions.~ A) purposes B) events C) clothing D) poems 51 C The bulbs of the daffodil are poisonous if @consumed.~ A) washed B) cooked C) eaten D) touched 52 D Tattooing involves putting @permanent~ designs on the body. A) colorful B) nice C) short-lived D) lasting 53 A Meteorologists use balloons to @forecast~ weather patterns. A) predict B) create C) broadcast D) cause 54 B Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese naval @explorer~, was the first to reach India from Europe. A) officer B) discoverer C) lawyer D) employee 55 C Germany's national dog, the dachshund, has a @keen~ sense of smell. A) blunt B) loaded C) sharp D) grumpy 56 D Ballet @originated~ in the courts of Italian royal families in the 1400's. A) was supported by B) developed out of C) ran out of D) began in 57 A The Law of Falling Bodies states that gravity works @equally~ on all objects A) identically B) transparently C) lovingly D) permanently 58 A My father's company @merged~ with an Irish company last year. A) combined B) controlled C) moved D) developed 59 C The popular @conception~ that there are four kinds taste is not backed up by research. A) reaction B) tuition C) notion D) discovery 60 B The gall bladder is a pouch that @retains~ bile. A) purifies B) holds C) produces D) serves 61 A Watermelon crops must be rotated __________ with other crops to avoid fungal disease. A) periodically B) period C) periodical D) pointlessly 62 A Earth is just the right distance from the sun to maintain the conditions for life to __________. A) thrive B) lust C) pluck D) remember 63 B Coal miners must proceed __________ when cutting into new veins of rock. A) hopeful B) warily C) strength D) wonder 64 D Early Americans attended __________ caucuses to voice their opinions on political matters. A) frightened B) bored C) disgusted D) local 65 B The Grand Canyon is __________ example of the long-term effects of erosion. A) a point B) an extraordinary C) an abstract D) a scientist 66 A The works of George Catlin __________ among the most significant studies of American Indian culture. A) rank B) turn C) conceal D) perpetrate 67 C The tale of the Greek heroine Cassandra has been the __________ of many poems. A) title B) desire C) theme D) requirement 68 A Head Start is a federal program __________ disadvantaged children with educational opportunities. A) providing B) depriving C) reaching D) facing 69 A In the United States, a __________ work day is 8 hours long. A) typical B) completing C) totally D) hardly 70 B If you are visiting a foreign country, you may be __________ eating unfamiliar foods. A) surprised at B) unaccustomed to C) disappointed in D) afraid of 71 C Because the teenager was __________ that she failed her driving test, she would not come home. A) disappointing B) unhappily C) ashamed D) disgust 72 B In spite of his many faults Paul is very __________ to his mother. A) impolite B) dedicated C) disagreeable D) considerable 73 D Mrs. Smith will __________ how this computer works. A) guest B) learned C) estimating D) demonstrate 74 A The columnist's remarks were __________ and rude. A) inappropriate B) necessary C) insist D) articulating 75 A The argument, although understandable, was not very __________. A) convincing B) realistically C) reason D) clearly 76 C The judge would not hear the case because the evidence was not __________. A) property B) legally C) sufficient D) positive 77 D Being __________, the stranger had difficulty making friends. A) lone B) lazily C) louder D) meek 78 C The gem Kim bought is so rare it could be __________. A) expense B) stole C) fake D) sold 79 A The inexperienced driver is a __________ danger. A) potential B) certainly C) actually D) define 80 B When the wind died, the sailboat __________ toward the beach. A) collapsed B) drifted C) hurry D) returning 81 B This course focuses __________ on the history of early civilizations. A) objective B) primarily C) activate D) rarely 82 C Success is most deserved by __________ people. A) efficiently B) prestige C) amiable D) essentially 83 A __________ motive is behind the question. A) An ulterior B) A well C) An imported D) An exceptionally 84 D There is no resolution to this __________. A) decisions B) conditional C) actual D) conflict 85 A There was a long __________ before the music began. A) pause B) introduce C) pray D) player 86 C A __________ walk in cool weather is invigorating. A) shortly B) longest C) brisk D) sole 87 D Some tall people often feel __________. A) supper B) ignore C) noticing D) clumsy 88 A All typing errors must be __________ from this memo. A) deleted B) correctly C) circle D) determined 89 B Animals in the wild seem more __________ than they really are. A) hair B) ferocious C) self D) calls 90 D The manager was found to be __________ his employees. A) ridicule B) bribed C) coaxed D) harassing 91 C The government will __________ a statement about tax increases this afternoon. A) invite B) denied C) issue D) proposal 92 C The __________ of colonial times, if in good condition, are highly prized. A) people B) painter C) garments D) tempers 93 A Children must learn to __________ one another. A) tolerate B) admission C) truth D) playful 94 D More responsibility and higher salaries are __________ on-the-job training. A) looking forward to B) integral of C) privileges into D) incentives for 95 A The product to use to __________ a grease fire is salt or baking soda. A) dowse B) blossom C) prolonged D) deterring 96 D The __________ is being held for arraignment without bail. A) believer B) judge C) robbed D) suspect 97 A The __________ style of the homes is typical of this region. A) quaint B) timid C) evaporated D) model 98 B Doctors discourage __________ doses of drugs for infants. A) lightening B) massive C) repetitively D) infrequently 99 B The __________ of the contract exclude any division of the property for fifty years. A) provisionally B) provisions C) provisional D) provide 100 A History has shown that rulers do not __________ power easily. A) relinquish B) howl C) control D) grain 101 C Modern music is usually characterized by a remarkable __________. A) metrology B) clearance C) dissonance D) rubber 102 A William Taft was an unhappy President because he didn't __________ his own ability to govern. A) believe in B) clear out C) dissolve D) rub over 103 D Taoist principals are presented in Lao tzu, __________ of essays from several unknown authors. A) a plant B) clearance C) discussion D) a collection 104 B Eskimos are dependent on the walrus for the food they eat and the hides they __________ . A) surround B) fashion C) lisp D) put off 105 C Castor oil acts as a laxative by __________ irritating the walls of the intestines. A) surface B) clearing C) mildly D) correction 106 D Most energy from an earthquake __________ out from the epicenter in the form of seismic waves. A) sells B) brands C) reverts D) radiates 107 A English physicist Henry Cavendish first __________ that water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. A) confirmed B) accumulated C) yawned D) yelped 108 C The only successful control of weather has been the seeding of clouds to __________ rain. A) root B) flounder C) generate D) loop 109 C Sonar devices can determine the location of __________ objects through echoes. A) colored B) poisoned C) submerged D) chewed 110 A Charles Darwin __________ believed that all species evolved from common ancestors. A) resolutely B) hard C) usually D) mentally 111 A __________ portion of the sun's heat ever penetrates the earth's atmosphere. A) An infinitesimal B) apologetic C) trustful D) willing 112 B Having won the two most important cases this city has ever had, Andrew Putts earned the reputation of a __________ lawyer. A) lazy B) brilliant C) gently D) reckless 113 D Communities use incinerators to __________ waste products. A) build B) froth C) yearn for D) dispose of 114 B One of the most important __________ of the northwestern U.S. is water from melted snow. A) cultures B) resources C) toys D) thimbles 115 B Property taxes are assessed on homes as a source of __________. A) terms B) funds C) charity D) readings 116 B A cope and a drag comprise the two __________ of a flask. A) operations B) components C) grains D) loans 117 A The game of Go originated in China __________ 3,000 years ago. A) over B) since C) for D) to 118 A Accidental oil __________ are a mojor source of pollution of our oceans. A) spills B) produce C) treatment D) jugs 119 D The gardenia shrub is __________ to the tropics and is very sensitive to variations in weather. A) employed B) concerned C) homely D) native 120 A The umbilical __________ connects an unborn child to the placenta of its mother. A) cord B) plug C) rug D) loss